12 December 2011

Frankenstein WB 63

Literary Elements Worksheet 2


Romantic writers share a taste for symbolism, and Mary Shelley is no exception. In Frankenstein, the symbolic significance of certain places, objects, and natural elements is an important key to understanding the novel.

The first column of the chart below lists symbols used in the novel. Locate an example of the use of each symbol in the text and copy the sentences or passages involving the symbol in the second column. In the third column, state the possible meaning of each symbol.

Symbol Example Explanation

the color white, or brilliant light

the Alps



lightning or electricity

Which of the symbols do you think is the most effective? Why?

Frankenstein WB 62

Literary Elements Worksheet 1


Mary Shelley uses the literary technique of irony to contrast expectation and reality. Irony presents a discrep­ancy between what is said and what is really meant, between what would normally be expected and what actually happens, or between what the audience knows and what a character knows.

Verbal irony occurs when a character says one thing but really means something else.
Example: The Creature introduces himself to the elderly and blind De Lacey by saying, "I am a traveller in want of a little rest."

Explain how what the Creature says is different from what he really means.

Situations! irony occurs when there is a contrast between what is expected to happen, or what is appropriate to happen, and what really does happen.

Example: Although the De Lacey family is portrayed as valuing virtue and intelligence, they beat and repel the Creature, who possesses both of these qualities, simply because he is ugly.

Explain the contrast between what is expected or appropriate and what actually occurs.

Dramatic irony occurs when the audience knows something important that a character does not know.

Example: The old woman who nurses Frankenstein after he collapses upon seeing Clerval's corpse says, "If you mean about the gentleman you murdered, I believe that it were better for you if you were dead ..."

Explain the irony with information that readers know but the woman does not know.

FOLLOW-UP: Find another example in the novel of one of the three types of irony. Explain what
makes it ironic.


Frankenstein WB 61

Novel Review




Most important place(s).................................................................................

One effect of setting on plot, theme, or character


List key events from the novel.
• •
• •
• •
Use your list to identify the plot elements below. Add other events as necessary. Major conflict / problem
Turning point / climax.....................................................................................
Resolution / denouement


Frankenstein WB 60

Novel Review





FOLLOW-UP: A dynamic character changes in some important way as a result of the story's action. In a paragraph, trace the transformation of one dynamic character from the time the character is introduced through the conclusion of the novel.

60 Frankenstein

Frankenstein WB 57

Reading Strategies: Chapters XVII-XXIV


Understanding Cause and Effect

In his eloquent speech in Chapter XVII, the Creature uses both convincing facts and strong emotional appeals to persuade Frankenstein to create a partner for him.
Reread the chapter and find three persuasive statements or ideas and list them in the first column of the following chart. In the second column, briefly explain the effect of the statement or idea on Frankenstein. In the third column, describe the effect of the statement or idea on you.

Persuasive Statement or Idea
Effect of Statement or Idea on Frankenstein
Effect of Statement or Idea on You
FOLLOW-UP: Which of the Creature's statements or ideas is the most convincing to you? Explain why you find it more persuasive than the others.

Study Guide

Frankenstein WB 56

Making Meanings: Chapters XVII-XXIV


Writing Opportunity

Expand your response to this question into a para­graph explaining two or three other ironies about the relationship between the Creature and his creator.

1. Do you believe that the Creature is reallyremorseful about Victor's death, or doyou think, as Walton does, that he is ahypocritical fiend?
Shaping Interpretations
2. The characters of Victor and Henry arecontrasted with each other in the novel.On the journey to England, how aretheir moods and goals different?
3. In Geneva, when he was fifteen, Victorsaw a tree destroyed by a bolt of light­ning. He now sees himself as a "blasted tree" whose soul has been invaded by"the bolt." What is he saying about himself in this allusion?
4. In his final discussion with Walton, Victor says that he has examined his past con­duct and finds nothing for which to blame himself. He considers his scientificendeavors as an illustrious achievement and feels justified in desiring the death ofthe Creature. What does his unrepentant stance suggest about his character?
5. In what ways do the characters of Victor and the Creature begin to resembleeach other? Why is their growing similarity ironic?
Connecting with the Text
6. Victor must decide whether or not to create a partner for the Creature after hehears the Creature's story. If you were in Victor's position, what decision wouldyou make and why?
Extending the Text
7. The Creature says, "I am malicious because I am miserable," and he is miserablebecause he is "shunned and hated by all mankind." Do you think most people iftreated in a similar fashion would eventually grow to hate society and want to geteven with those who have caused their suffering? Can you think of any examplesfrom the media to support your answer?

Challenging the Text

8. Which of the following do you think is Victor's most irresponsible act: his creationof such an ugly being, his abandonment of the Creature and neglect of his edu­cation, his refusal to create a partner for the Creature, or his refusal to tell anyone(until Walton) what he had done? Explain your choice.


Frankenstein WB page 55

Choices: Chapters XI-XVI
Building Your Portfolio

A Room of One's Own

Draw the space that the Creature calls "home"—the De Lacey cottage, its main living room, and the attached hovel; the garden; the outhouses; and the surrounding forest. Find references or passages in the novel to support the choices in your artwork. You might want to use the quotes from the text in your drawing as well.

Humans on Trial

With a small group of your classmates, debate the case for and against the way humans behave toward the Creature. Should they show more compassion, or is it natural for humans to react negatively to a strange outsider? Cite examples from real life, from other novels or stories, or from films or television shows to support your points of view.


And Then What Happened?

At the end of Chapter XVI, get together with a part­ner and make predictions about what will happen next. Consider the following questions: How do you think Victor will react to the Creature's story? Will he create a partner for the Creature? How do you think the novel will end? You should each keep track of your predictions on a sheet of paper divided into two columns marked Prediction and Actual Outcome. As you finish reading the novel, use these organizers to confirm or refute your predictions.


Read All About It ****

Write a newspaper article describing the appearance of the Creature in the village. Write from the villagers' point of view. What did they see? What did they think the Creature was? What do they do to prepare for another visit, if there should be one? Is anyone arguing for a different approach to the Creature than the villagers showed in the past? What is that person advising?

Consider This . . .

There was none among the myriads of men that existed who would pity or assist me; and should I feel kindness towards my enemies? No: from that moment I declared everlasting war against the species, and, more than all, against him who had formed me, and sent me forth to this insup­portable misery.
How is justice different from revenge? Do you think revenge is ever justified? Explain.

Writing Follow-up: Problem-Solution__ •

Think of some positive ways to release or express anger. Suggest at least two possible ways of constructively dealing with anger. Write two to four paragraphs.

Novel Notes Choose one of the following:

• Choose a scene from one of the chaptersand rewrite it as a scene for a motion picture.
• Describe the plot of a book or film thatevoked horror in you and tell why you thinkthe author of Frankenstein would or would not like it.


Reading Strategies: Chapters V-X



Shelley uses indirect characterization to depict Victor Frankenstein's ambivalence about his work. As Frankenstein's mood swings back and forth between moments of happi­ness and moments of anxiety or horror, it becomes clear that he cannot reconcile his conflicting emotions.
In the graphic organizer below, describe Frankenstein's reaction to the situation listed, and then describe the reason for his reaction. The first one has been done for you.

Frankenstein's Reaction
Reason for Reaction

1. The Creature comes to life.
He rushes out of the room and paces back and forth in his room.
The Creature is more horrible than Frankenstein ever imagined; he refuses to take responsibility for his creation.
2. The Creature looks at Frankenstein through the bed curtains.
3. Henry Clerval arrives.
4. Victor and Henry return to Victor's apartment.
5. Victor is praised by M. Waldman and M. Krempe.
6. Victor visits the site where his brother William was murdered.
7. Victor meets the Creature on the slopes of Montanvertu

FOLLOW-UP: Write a paragraph or two in which you provide some advice to Victor Frankenstein on how to lessen his despair.

Study Guide


Making Meanings: Chapters V-X

First Thoughts

1. With whom do you sympathize more—Victor or his creation? Why?
Shaping Interpretations
2. Victor had been totally engrossed in theproject until he actually brought theCreature to life. Why do you thinkVictor's feelings changed?
3. What do you think is the significanceof Frankenstein's dream aboutElizabeth? What future events might itforeshadow?

Writing Opportunity

Expand your response in a para­graph that explains the effects of the novel's multiple set­tings. How does each setting reinforce a particular mood?
4. Victor's personality is repeatedly contrasted with that of his friend Henry. What aresome of the differences between the two characters?
5. Nature is an important part of the setting of the novel. At times, it soothesVictor's troubled mind; at other times, it mirrors his agitation. Choose a scene thattakes place out of doors and analyze the role that nature plays.
6. What do Elizabeth's reactions to the horrible events unfolding about her revealabout her personality? Support your answer with specific details from the story.
7. Victor travels into the mountains to gain relief from his feelings of despair andguilt. The Alps are symbols, that is, they stand for something beyond themselves.What do you think the snowy peaks symbolize?
8. In Chapter X, the Creature speaks for the first time. How does his voice and man­ner differ from Victor's voice and manner?
Connecting with the Text
9. Victor's immediate response is to run away from the Creature rather than face upto his mistake. Furthermore, when Victor returns to his apartment and finds thatthe Creature is not there, he does not attempt to find out what happened to it.Describe a situation in another story or in a movie or TV show in which a charac­ter ran away from a problem instead of facing it.
Extending the Text
10. Parental responsibility is a big issue in today's society. What obligations do you think parents have toward their children? Do you think parents should be held accountable for their children's behavior? Why or why not?

48 Frankenstein

09 December 2011

Model of Parenthetical Documentation

Model Parenthetical Citations

MLA (Modern Language Association) format follows the author-page method of citation. This means that the author's last name and the page number(s) from which the quotation is taken must appear in the text, and a complete reference should appear in your works cited list (see Your Works Cited Page, below). The author's name may appear either in the sentence itself or in parentheses following the quotation or paraphrase, but the page number(s) should always appear in the parentheses, not in the text of your sentence.


Direct Quotation with author’s name appearing in the sentence: Wordsworth stated that Romantic poetry was marked by a "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (263).
Direct Quotation without author’s name appearing in the sentence: Romantic poetry is characterized by the "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (Wordsworth 263).
Paraphrase with author’s name appearing in the sentence: Wordsworth extensively explored the role of emotion in the creative process (263).
No author’s name given: An anonymous Wordsworth critic once argued that his poems were too emotional ("Wordsworth Is A Loser" 100).
Information for the WIT Essay

1.Be sure to use 1-inch margins for all bottom, top, and side margins,

2.Use Times New Roman font.

3.Use size 12 font.

4.Double space your paper.

5.Make a Title Page—be sure to put your Word Count as the last thing on your title page. Also, place the word count again, on the last page of your essay—double space after your last paragraph and then give the word count.

6.Make sure that you parenthetically document all quotes and any information that did not originate with you.

7.List your source (s) on the Works Cited page—this will be your last page and it will numbered. If you don’t know how to do it, google “MLA Works Cited page.” It will tell you exactly how to do it!

8.Remember: your minimum word count is 1200 words! You must not go over 1500 words.